Category Archives: Breads and pastries

Grilled Cheese Sandwich Memories

A couple of days ago, I had this relatively intense hankering for grilled cheese sandwiches.

I haven’t enjoyed grilled cheese sandwiches in AGES, so the yearning I felt was so strong, it could possibly blow you off your feet! I blame it on The Devil Wears Prada.

Look at that:

Photo lifted from Tumblr.

Wouldn’t you like some grilled sandwiches, too? 

While I was drooling over my keyboard looking at the images on Google, I had a ‘light bulb’ moment and thought, ‘Why not make my own grilled cheese sandwich?’ As far as I can recall, we had some of the ingredients, so I searched for instructions on the web. 

While I found several recipes on making a grilled cheese sandwich, I figured the one AllRecipes provided was the best to start with.  Continue reading

Tous le Jours: My New Favorite Place!

So maybe I do have an obsession with The Blue Pumpkin and their sandwiches. I love their desserts and coffee, too!

But there’s a new shop in my life now, and it is called Tous le Jours.

My mom and her friends keep talking about Tous le Jours Phnom Penh because they said that the bread (pastries?) are to die for. I, on the other hand, am a neanderthal and I do not know what it is.

Last week, my mom went to Mobitel, which is near Tous le Jours Phnom Penh, and she dropped by the bakery to buy some bread and doughnuts.

When I got home, I had one of the doughnuts, and guess who became Tous le Jours Phnom Penh’s number one fan? ME!

The very next day, I decided to check out the shop itself.

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