Category Archives: Tried

Grilled Cheese Sandwich Memories

A couple of days ago, I had this relatively intense hankering for grilled cheese sandwiches.

I haven’t enjoyed grilled cheese sandwiches in AGES, so the yearning I felt was so strong, it could possibly blow you off your feet! I blame it on The Devil Wears Prada.

Look at that:

Photo lifted from Tumblr.

Wouldn’t you like some grilled sandwiches, too? 

While I was drooling over my keyboard looking at the images on Google, I had a ‘light bulb’ moment and thought, ‘Why not make my own grilled cheese sandwich?’ As far as I can recall, we had some of the ingredients, so I searched for instructions on the web. 

While I found several recipes on making a grilled cheese sandwich, I figured the one AllRecipes provided was the best to start with.  Continue reading