Grilled Cheese Sandwich Memories

A couple of days ago, I had this relatively intense hankering for grilled cheese sandwiches.

I haven’t enjoyed grilled cheese sandwiches in AGES, so the yearning I felt was so strong, it could possibly blow you off your feet! I blame it on The Devil Wears Prada.

Look at that:

Photo lifted from Tumblr.

Wouldn’t you like some grilled sandwiches, too? 

While I was drooling over my keyboard looking at the images on Google, I had a ‘light bulb’ moment and thought, ‘Why not make my own grilled cheese sandwich?’ As far as I can recall, we had some of the ingredients, so I searched for instructions on the web. 

While I found several recipes on making a grilled cheese sandwich, I figured the one AllRecipes provided was the best to start with. 

Ingredients (makes 2 servings):

  • 4 slices of white bread
  • 3 tablespoons butter, divided
  • 2 slices cheddar cheese


  1. Preheat skillet over medium heat.
  2. Generously butter one side of a slice of bread.
  3. Place bread butter-side-down onto skillet bottom and add 1 slice of cheese.
  4. Butter a second slice of bread on one side and place butter-side-up on top of sandwich.
  5. Grill until lightly browned and flip over;
  6. continue grilling until cheese is melted.
  7. Repeat with remaining 2 slices of bread, butter and slice of cheese.
What I did

I pretty much did as what the instructions said I should do. However, I am not sure what cheese we had. I was working with left-over bread, left-over cheese, and left-over butter. So the cheese had no name, no kind, and it was hard. So I grated the cheese instead. That way, it would also melt faster.

I did not slather the butter quite generously because I felt that too much butter is bad for your soul heart health. I just spread some that I felt would be enough to cover the bottom.

I did not grease the pan, although I was not using a non-stick pan for this. The butter did the greasing for me.

Because the cheese we had available was not so thick, chewy, and quickmelt, I flattened the sandwich with my Tina turner. LOL That way, the slices of bread stuck together when I flipped it over, and luckily the cheese melted because I grated it in the first place.

Result: A+

Why? I feel generous with myself with that grade. Despite the fact that my brother did not eat the grilled cheese sandwich, I think it was a success. I simply wanted to make more.

I would have graded myself with an A++ but I think we need to change cheese. I’m thinking mozzarella, cheddar, or Eden cheese (Pinoys LOVE EDEN! <– but that’s just the me).

Memory Bank

My fondest memory with grilled cheese sandwiches takes me way back to 2002.

There was this little cafe in front of my college building, where my friends and I would bond over sandwiches and photocopied class notes. I think was there that I developed my love for grilled cheese sandwiches. In fact, I think that was the sandwich I preferred from the cafe, and not the other ones.

Did you know that April is the Grilled Cheese Sandwich month? Or something… I didn’t know either! But I read somewhere that this is so. LOL Byeee!!

* LINK to recipe source

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